5 Strategies for a Safe and Enjoyable Holiday Season
So often, the holidays are depicted as a time of blissful good cheer and family connection. Why do so many of us feel busy, pressured, or lonely each year instead? You have the power to do it differently this time around, no matter what the holidays hold for you. This webinar will share 5 tips to actually enjoy the holidays especially with the uniqueness that the 2021 holidays will bring due to the pandemic. We will discuss strategies for staying safe and healthy as well as how to keep traditions and festivities in place...pandemic style. Let the festivities begin!
Breaking the Silence on Suicide
About this session: Suicide affects people from all walks of life. Knowing the warning signs and risk factors for suicide and feeling confident about how to help someone who is at risk, could be the difference between life and death. Join us for this important session, where we will: Differentiate myths from facts, Identify risk factors and warning signs, Review questions to ask and steps to take, and Provide supportive resources and strategies.
Clear your Clutter - A Comprehensive Guide
Is your kitchen table covered in unopened mail? Is your bedroom floor covered in clothing? Is your basement a total disaster? Living with clutter is exhausting. Learning how to approach clearing the clutter can feel daunting. This presentation offers specific, strategic ways to approach clearing it and staying organized. We’ll go room-by-room to help you have an organized and restful home.
Coping with COVID-19 on the Front Lines
Healthcare providers are facing an unprecedented challenge in responding to COVID-19. As they work tirelessly to help others, their own needs tend to get neglected. Managing stress and practicing self-care is essential to both physical and emotional wellbeing. During this highly informative and engaging session, we'll address the stress and anxiety related to being on the front lines, identify supportive resources, and discuss practical coping tools that can be put into practice immediately.
Discover How to Bring More Positivity and Compassion to Each Day (Finding the Superhero Within)
In times of uncertainty and stress, it’s common to find our minds cluttered with negative thoughts and self-criticism. Unfortunately, one of the most significant and damaging risk factors that can impede the capacity for resilience is negative thinking. During this webinar, you will learn how to observe your negative thoughts with openness and clarity so that they can be held in mindful awareness and met with sympathy and kindness.
Do Your Bucket List - Seven Ways to up Your Focus on Things that Matter
Whether it’s running an iron man, meeting somebody, or losing ten pounds, we all have that next thing we want to accomplish in life. But it’s so easy to lose focus on personal growth in the rush of daily life. Get inspired and get practical with these seven strategies to increase your focus on that next bucket list item. Life without regrets is possible-you just need to get focused.
Engaging Empathy in the Workplace
Often a sad employee is perceived to be a bad employee, yet all employees will suffer a setback at some point in their career due to a change in personal or family health, the death of a loved one, a financial loss, or a change in family caregiving. To show empathy and support, co-workers must try to understand the feelings of the person who is experiencing a setback. This can be accomplished through training, listening, connecting, and providing kindness to one another. This session will provide a greater understanding of best practices in providing empathy to co-workers and managers while maintaining a professional relationship.
Facing COVID-19 With Resilience, Strength, and Compassion (Finding the Superhero Within)
Identify and Use Your Character Strengths to Maximize the Potential for Each Day: In times of struggle or stress, we all wish a superhero could come rescue us. But what if you could rescue yourself? During this webinar, you will discover your character strengths, the positive parts of your personality that impact how you think, feel, and behave, and are the keys to you being your best self. You will learn how these strengths can positively impact your well-being and how you can use them to take a strength-based approach to dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.
Get Smart About Your Heart: Maximize the Top Three Predictors of Successful Relationships
Growing a great relationship starts with knowing which ingredients matter most. Built on ground-breaking relationship research, this presentation will reveal the top three predictors of successful relationships, along with things that matter less than you’d think. You’ll also learn practical strategies to help you invest your energy where it counts.
Grief and Change During COVID-19
Understanding the Many Layers of Grief and How They Impact Us: Everyone feels grief and nearly everyone living through this unprecedented and historic time is probably feeling grief. From smaller losses like loss of routine and structure to larger losses like death and job loss, everyone is attempting to manage their feelings and carve out a new normal for themselves. Acknowledging and understanding how powerful grief is, imperative to moving through it and getting to the other side. This presentation we will discuss the stages and process of grief during the pandemic. We will share resources and coping strategies.
Involvement and Engagement
Learn how small acts of kindness and a state of flow can change your life. Do you ever ask yourself, “What can I do today to change my life for the better?” Thankfully, research supports that there is something we can do about it, and it’s actually quite easy. In this presentation, we will explore two actionable concepts, acts of kindness and flow, that you will enjoy adding to your daily/weekly routine and that will help you live a happier, positive, purposeful life!
It’s Not Selfish, It’s Self-Care
Self-care often gets pushed to the back burner. It might be that we feel selfish taking time for ourselves when we could be doing things for others. Or, we might struggle to find the time and to make self-care a priority. But particularly in today’s wireless world, where we are constantly responding to others, making time for self-care is a key component to managing stress and remaining resilient. During this interactive presentation, you’ll learn strategies for building up your self-care reserve as well as how to say “no”-without any guilt.
Living with Loss One Day at a Time, at Home and at Work
After losing someone you care about, your life can feel like it is no longer your own. The best way to find the courage, perseverance, and desire to rebuild and redefine your new life is living with the loss, one day at a time. Emotional recovery is not accomplished by checking off items on a list but rather living the loss - establishing a new relationship with your loved ones and the people around you, both at work and at home. This session will provide you with ideas and tools for how to interact with others, how to find passion and purpose, and how to rebuild your future.
Mental Health and Awareness Suicide Prevention
Educate participants on the prevalence of mental health issues, suicide awareness and prevention, and resources for assistance.
Managing Emotions During Turbulent Times
We are living in turbulent times in our country right now. World events such as the COVID-19 Pandemic, Economic Uncertainty and Social Unrest have created an unprecedented level of fear and anxiety in people's lives. This session will help you become more aware of your stress symptoms and emotional responses. You’ll learn positive strategies to manage stress and anxiety by implementing simple self-care practices such as relaxation techniques and focusing on the three pillars of health; diet, exercise and sleep.
Mental Health and COVID-19: Strategies to Manage Anxiety, Fear, and Stress
Strategies to Manage Anxiety, Fear and Stress: Our Mental Health is greatly influenced by world events and situations. This webinar addresses how we respond to critical incidents, like COVID-19, and how we can manage stress to better cope and help those we care about.
Mindset for Success
Mindset has a huge influence on many areas of life, including physical and emotional well-being, relationships, personal and professional success. Regardless of whether we’ve identified as an optimist or pessimist in the past, we all have the ability to harness a mindset that allows us to deal with challenging events more effectively, turn failures into growth opportunities, and experience a greater sense of contentment. Participants will leave this workshop armed with strategies for making simple shifts in thinking that can lead to great change.
PTSD: Let's Get the Facts
About this session: You've heard about it. What is it, what are its causes, and how is it treated? Join us for this timely and insightful info session where we will explore and discuss Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. We will discuss the definition, common myths vs. facts, symptoms, relationships, self-care and treatment.
Returning to Work After a Loss: What the Employee and the Employer Should Know
Following the loss of a loved one, navigating your way through your “new life” is often emotional and confusing. The best way to find the courage, perseverance and desire to rebuild and redefine your new life is learning to integrate the loss into your daily activities. This often means returning to the workplace and interacting with co-workers, managers and human resource personnel. The anxiety of returning to work for both the griever and the manager can be reduced by following a few key steps including creating a return-to-work plan and educating co-workers on the best ways to interact with the griever.
Six Steps to the Best Fight Ever — Positive Conflict Strategies for Committed Relationships
Wouldn’t it be great if you could express yourself well in a fight with a spouse or partner? If you could ask for what you really needed, knowing you had a few tricks up your sleeve to keep the conversation on-track? Decades of relationship research shows that couples with healthy conflict habits stay together longer and enjoy their relationship more...and they tend to do six things that work. This presentation will help you to identify your conflict style, solve your solvable problems, and manage your unsolvable problems with less frustration.
Stress Better: Return to Work & COVID-19
Employees today are facing unprecedented challenges, uncertainty, and stress. COVID-19 has impacted the ways in which we work, live, and socialize. As we continue to find our way through this difficult time, many of us will need to return to our workplaces and other responsibilities. This will be creating even more worry, fear, and stress. However, while we can’t change the actual stressors in our world right now, science suggests we can change how we respond to them. Stress is a cycle and we must learn how to complete that cycle in order to return to a balanced state. In this training, we will harness the science of our stress response to learn strategies to calm it, reframe it, and complete the cycle; ultimately learning to stress better.
Understanding Forgiveness
Most of us know that internalizing anger, resentment and grudges creates a negative impact on well-being. While many of us want to release negative feelings towards others, we struggle with how to do so. Forgiveness doesn’t mean giving someone a pass. Forgiveness means releasing yourself. In this presentation, we’ll discuss how holding onto anger hurts us, how anger and resentment manifest in our minds and bodies, and how to take concrete steps towards lasting forgiveness. We’ll offer skills and tools for a more peaceful mindset.
Understanding Neurodiversity
“Neurodiversity” is a word used to explain the unique ways people's brains work. Being neurodivergent means having a brain that works differently from the average or “neurotypical” person.
In this session we will learn: what neurodiversity is, understand what it means to be a neurodivergent person. We will explore various neurotypes, get a glimpse into skills and strengths, gaining an appreciation for the varied strengths and differences.
Objectives for actual presentation:
· What is Neurodiversity?
· Understand what it means to be neurodivergent.
· Terms to know, types and examples of Neurodiversity.
· Skills and strengths across neurotypes
· Learn how to support Neurodivergent individuals.
· Explore how understanding one another's differences creates opportunities for success!
Volunteering — Helps you as you Help a Cause
Volunteering not only helps a cause but also brings personal gratification. In this presentation, we will explore the physical and emotional benefits of volunteering in depth. We will provide deeper understanding of both the personal and professional benefits of volunteering.
What EQ Can do for You
Strategies for Enhancing Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) is more important than IQ when it comes to predicting both personal and professional success. Defined as a combination of self-awareness and self-management skills, as well as our ability to sense and appropriately respond to the needs and emotions of others; EQ is at the heart of effective relationships. Join us for this dynamic session, where you will gain strategies for enhancing your emotional intelligence and learn about its connection to success and fulfillment.