Coach Chats

Led by subject matter experts, these virtual group discussions are designed to inform participants and help them both enhance their overall well-being and promote positive behavior change.

These interactive discussions will conclude with tangible takeaways including tip sheets, flyers and/or informative handouts. BHS highly recommends 10 to 15 participants per chat for the best participant experience.

Resiliency Chat Topics

Purchased in 1-hour blocks and facilitated in two (2) 20-minute sessions. Chats purchased in 1-hour blocks must be of a similar topic. Visual guide will be provided for each chat. 1 credit per hour (1 hour minimum)

Building resiliency in the workplace

Introduces issues related to resiliency, what elements contribute to a high level of resiliency and what participants can do to improve individual resilience.

  • Virtual
Creating a work-life balance

Identifies daily challenges while developing effective strategies to balance ongoing demands and successfully create a work-life balance.

  • Virtual
Control breathing...control stress

Focuses on how to use control breathing techniques to lower stress and anxiety and boost positive mood.

  • Virtual
Cultivating Calm: Tools for Regaining Your Resilience

As human beings, we are wired for resilience. This session teaches participants how to access the capacity for resilience through the use of specific tools that cultivate mental and emotional calm during times of stress, overwhelm and uncertainty.

  • Virtual
Steps to Strengthen Your relationship

Provides guidance around the importance of understanding and communicating needs in building strong relationships.

  • Virtual

Reviews common reactions to stress. Participants will learn about breathing exercises and other stress management techniques to reduce stress and to improve relaxation throughout the day.

  • Virtual